Wednesday, February 26 .. Ah Oh .. we won't be eating Breakfast on the patio this morning!!! Woke up in the night to the sound of rain so looking out the window this morning and seeing all the water was no surprise!!! Today .. after some sightseeing .. we will be leaving Florida behind and heading towards home!!
The first room on the second floor was ours .. we didn't have far to walk to unload / reload the car. However, the hotel is having a lot of remodeling done and we did have to walk around a few building supplies!!
Once again we seemed to be up and going before everybody else .. LOL!! Their Hospitality Room was nice and I liked the setup!!
I liked the flower boxes painted under the windows too!!!
Downtown Pensacola, Florida ..
We're looking for the Visitor's Welcoming Center .. according to info on Google there is a penny smashing machine there!!!
We're on the right road!!
It's not nice to paint graffiti on things .. but this graffiti was pretty neat!!!
There it is .. we made it!!!
And there's the penny smasher .. Yayyyyyyy!!!
While Kenny's smashing pennies I'm checking the place out .. LOL!!
Later I wished I had thought to get a picture of Ken snuggled up with this bathing beauty!!!
We are on our way ..
I have a thing for flags blowing in the wind .. LOL!!
National Museum of Naval Aviation .. we had planned to check this out .. but alack and alas .. it was closed for electrical repairs!!
Didn't quite get the sign in the picture .. but I tried .. LOL!!
The Pensacola Lighthouse
The remains of an old old old well!!
No the guy's not a real person!!
I liked the "bead board" all over the place .. walls and ceilings!!
The winding staircase to the light!!
What's that guy doin' in the pic????
Hey Buster you're blocking my view!!!
I look a little ghostly coming down the stairs!!!
I tried to make it up to the light but no go .. 177 steps I believe the sign said .. I made it up about 65 and that was it for me!!! With his foot problem Ken didn't try .. after I huffed and puffed my way back down I was glad he didn't!!
Let's check out the beach!!
This is a place I would enjoy visiting again!!!
Next stop .. Fort Barrancas
Guess what ..
They're not open in February!! We need to remember that the next time we plan a trip to Florida!!!
Click on the link below to see more on Fort Barrancas .. be sure and look at the links in the column on the left.
Lunch time .. look what we found .. Spanish Fort, Alabama
One of our favorite places!!!
On the road again ..
Look at that flag blowing .. you think it's windy??????
Battleship Memorial Park .. Mobile, Alabama
Ahhhh .. another penny smasher .. at Battleship Memorial Park .. yes .. of course they had battleships on them!!!
What a pain it had to be to go in and out these entrance ways day after day!!
The cook's making Breakfast!!
I'm not a very good tour guide .. I'd tell you what all this stuff is but I don't remember .. LOL!!
Tight fit!!!
Aaahhhh this door I can handle!!!
The Brig!!
Bathroom facilities don't look to great!!! I think he's contemplating just how bad he really needs to go .. LOL!!
Barber Shop
Notice the price for cigarettes!!
These three young men were touring the ship also .. a couple of families asked them to pose with their boys .. notice how the little boys are standing!!
Click on the link below to take a virtual tour of the USS ALABAMA!!
Headed down the road once again .. as we stop at Tater's for gas as we get into New Augusta, Mississippi about 5:20 pm.
The gas tank has been filled .. on to Hattiesburg, Mississippi where we would spend the night at the Western Motel As we were pulling into the motel we discovered a little restaurant names "Raising Cane" within walking distance!!! As soon as we unpacked the car and got everything settled into our room .. we were off on foot to find our dinner!!!
Hey Ken .. how about a pic???? LOL LOL LOL!!!
Those were some really tasty Chicken Fingers .. and LOTS of them!!!
And now to head back to the motel .. and settle in for a night's rest before making the rest of our journey home!!!