Ken and I decided we would roust ourselves out and join the Bread Company Bunch bright and early yesterday morning .. and then we decided as long as we were up around the city we would go a bit farther in and check out the History Museum!!! Madonna had told us they now have a Route 66 exhibit .. she and Mike had gone to see it last weekend and really enjoyed it so we thought we'd best check it out too!!!!
I am hoping you can click on some of these pictures and be able to read what they have to tell!!!
There are LOTS of displays and exhibits about places and things along Route 66 back in the day .. I didn't even try to get pictures of everything .. however .. according to everyone you talk to over here in Missouri who lives anywhere near St. Louis Ted Drewes is THE place to go for Ice Cream!!! Ken loves their Ice Cream .. so does everybody else around here .. sooooo I could not pass up their exhibit without taking a few pictures .. LOL!!!
According to the story on the story board the items in this picture were actually used at the original Ted Drewes many many years ago .. the Root Beer barrel .. waitress uniform .. Ice Cream maker .. Ted Drewes sign and a tray!!!
Be sure and click on the one below .. hopefully you can read the average price of a home way back when .. average income .. and price of gas .. over the years!!!
There was a large board and table with cards on the table to fill out about YOUR favorite road trip .. I got a kick out of this one .. it says .. Casey, Illinois .. The World's largest detour!!! Who would have thought I'd find my old hometown on a card on a board at the History Museum in St. Louis, Missouri!!!!
They also have an exhibit going all about "The Little Black Dress"!!! Lots and lots of little black dresses with styles from over the years!!! Lights were bright and pictures didn't take well so you will have to use your imagination!!! I never did have a "little black dress" .. LOL!!!
I had to take this pictures because I have some of these things in my house .. LOL!!!
The top sign is "The American Beer Company" and the one at the far right is "Anheuser Busch" .. Ken's father worked at American Beer and in later years he also worked at Anheuser Busch.
This is a very unlikely looking fire fighter vehicle .. I would never have guessed it!!!
Ah Ha .. look what we found in the gift shop .. a penny smasher!!! I told Ken Madonna had probably already gotten one when she and Mike were here but he had to get her one anyway .. LOL!!!
You know me .. I can't resist flags blowing in the wind .. these are out in front of the Museum. Love this picture!!!
I guess you know where we headed as soon as we were out of the museum .. Ted Drewes .. LOL!!!
We even had a gift card given to Ken at Christmas by one of the kids .. time to use it!!!
As you can see Ted's is a very popular place!!!
It truly was a FUNDAY .. visiting with the Bread Company Bunch and then the History Museum and last but not least that delicious Strawberry Shortcake Sundae .. with Whipped Cream on top of it even .. Ummmmmmmm!!!