This blog will be all about FUN Times .. Granny's have fun times too you know .. especially Raggedy Annie's Granny .. she's always having a good time!!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


Wednesday .. Day Two of our Branson Adventure!!  This would be our busiest day .. a voyage on the Titanic .. Lennon Sisters Christmas Show .. and then the Tony Orlando Christmas Show!!! 

 ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Oh what a  beautiful morrrrnnninngg!!!  ♫ ♪ ♪  Oh what a beautiful daaaayyyy!!! ♪ ♪ ♫ 
 There was sunshine everywhere .. such beautiful weather in Branson!!  Thank You Lord!!  First order of the day .. BREAKFAST in the Hospitality Room ...


Scrambled Eggs with Ham chunks, Biscuits & Gravy, Fruit, Strawberry Kiwi Juice for me, Orange Juice for Ken, Krispy Kremes .. Ohhhhh Yeah!!  And Coffee of course!!  What a way to start the day!!!  

And we're off on a voyage on the Titanic!!  Do you think we will survive??????? I sure hope so .. we have a lot more things to see and do!!! 

I think I would have been very uncertain about climbing aboard this huge ship and floating off into the Ocean!!  But then they were touting it as "unsinkable" so perhaps even I would have believed it and climbed aboard .. but I doubt it!!!  

As you're in line getting ready to "board ship" they hand you a "Boarding Pass" with the name and a brief story of one  of the people who was actually aboard the Titanic on that fateful day.  At the end of your "voyage" you find out whether your person survived or not.  I have the boarding passes Ken and I received and will post them .. as soon as I find them!!  I do remember I was a 42 year old woman named Catherine McGowan who was traveling with her 16 year old niece Annie McGowan.  We were traveling in third class.  Ken was John Beaumann who was also 42 years old.  He was traveling in first class.  I won't tell you yet whether we survived or not  until I find the "Boarding Passes" and give you the rest of their story!!  

 As you can see the sun really was shining very brightly .. I could have sworn I wasn't squinting when the lady snapped the camera .. LOL!!  

Going through the Titanic Museum is absolutely AWESOME .. it's hard to describe what you feel as you see the artifacts and the pictures and read the strories of the people who were aboard.  It just really makes you realize that this was not just a movie or a story in a book .. these were actual people who I'm sure were very excited as they were boarding this ship to journey to whatever port they were headed for .. (many of them were on their way to meet up with loved ones) .. only to end this voyage in horror!!  The bad part is .. there are so many things you would just love to take a picture of!!  It's really hard to walk through all the exhibits and look at all the artifacts and not be able to get your camera out and take a picture!! 

After leaving the Titanic we had just a short while to cruise the main drag of this busy place and then it was time to head for Andy Williams' "Moon River" Theater to see the Lennon Sisters Christmas Show .. Wooooo Hooooo!!  

Sorry to leave you hanging .. if you were a fan of the Lennon Sisters I know you're anxious to see their pictures .. but the buns are numb and the eyes are crossed .. time to give this up and go snuggle up in bed  .. I promise I will get you to their show as soon as possible .. I PROMISE!!! 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz !!! I noticed you had not written on your blog and now, I know why!! You were busy posting here. Yes, We enjoyed the Titanic !!! You almost felt that you were actually on that voyage. It was very interesting. (to say the least)-It is a must see when you go to Branson. Now, I am excited to hear about the Lennon sisters. I know Tony Orlando is fantastic!!


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About Me

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Blogging is one of my favorite things to do .. in fact .. I have FOUR blogs .. LOL!! "MY BIT OF MORNING BLATHER" .. is just that .. a bunch of blather!! My way of keeping up with friends and family. "BERTHA'S BED AND BREAKFAST" .. this is an ongoing project about my ancestry. RAGGEDY ANNIE'S GRANNY .. is about fun things Ken and I have done and travels we have made!!! KEN AND LIZ'S BIG ADVENTURE .. is about our latest adventure .. selling our home and buying another home!! If you want to check any of them out let me know and I will send you a link!!