This blog will be all about FUN Times .. Granny's have fun times too you know .. especially Raggedy Annie's Granny .. she's always having a good time!!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Ken loves his Hawaiian shirts and wears them quite often when we go to the Bread Company in Oakville to meet up with our friends who we call "the Bread Company Bunch"!!  They all like to give him a hard time about his Hawaiian shirts .. so of course what that means is that he wears them more often .. LOL!!  

On the 14th of June Ken and I headed for Vivianno's Restaurant to meet up with some of "the Bread Company Bunch " for supper.  Little did we know that EVERYBODY would be there AND they would all be dressed in Hawaiian shirts .. complete with leis around their necks .. it was a surprise wedding shower for Ken and I!!!  I became a little bit suspicious that something was going on when we pulled into the parking lot and Jerry and Nancy were getting out of their car and both of them had Hawaiian shirts on .. they NEVER wear Hawaiian shirts!!!   And then when we got into the restaurant and the whole gang was there at a long table in the back .. with Hawaiian tablecloths and Hawaiian Balloons in the center of the table I began to be sure .. we weren't just getting together for supper we were having a surprise party .. a surprise wedding shower party!!! 

First we get our leis ..

And our beautiful sun hats .. complete with bridal veil .. decorated by Shirley!!

And a grass skirt for me ..

The happy and very surprised couple!!! 

Thanks for fluffing my veil Ann Marie!!

What are they looking for???????

Ahhhhh .. now we know .. Pat and Ann Marie help Ken with his Coconuts .. LOL!! 

Of course the bride got some shells too .. LOL!! 

Somebody wanted to see how we looked from the back .. LOL!! 



Sharon and Mel

Shirley and Bill

Jane and Paul

Carl and Sylvia


Laverne and Judy

Rich and Pat

Jerry and Nancy

Bev and Don

Nancy and Jeff

Ann Marie and Gary


Ready for dessert????  The Pineapple Upside Down Cake was made by Sylvia .. Pat made the Chocolate Chip Cake .. both were DELICIOUS!!  


Notice the black paper on the next package .. Hmmmmmmmm!!!  

What could this be?????????

A ball and chain from Paul and Jane .. LOL LOL LOL!!  

Kenny's not looking very happy .. LOL LOL LOL!!!  


There was another surprise in the parking lot .. SOMEBODY had decorated the car!!! 


Ken gets a big kick out of calling me his fiancee and says he will miss calling me that after we get married .. the Bread Company Bunch gets a big kick out of it too .. LOL!! 

I guess none of us were ready for the party to be over because after the party we all went to the Bread Company and had Coffee!!! 

We had just left Vivianno's and weren't hungry so we were just having Coffee .. the lady in blue with the bowl of soup in front of her had come over and asked what we were celebrating .. after visiting a while she went back to her table .. after a while a couple of Bread Company employees came to our table with 3 plates of Scones .. all different flavors .. the lady in blue had ordered them for us!!!  So of course she was invited to join us.  She was a "regular" at this Bread Company and such a very nice lady.. and very talkative .. OH MY!!   She said she is known for her jokes and proceeded to entertain us with many many jokes!! 

As usual the men gathered at one end of the table and the women at the other end!!!  


There's never a dull moment when this bunch is together!!! 

 THE NEXT DAY .. pictures of all the "goodies" .. LOL!! 

Thank You Bill and Shirley  ..

I'm not sure if the toys were for the babies you thought we were expecting .. or to give us something to do on the honeymoon??????   

Thank You Mel and Sharon  .. 
I'm making no comments on this one!! 

Thank You Laverne ..
I love it!! 

This cute little guy was on top of the package from Laverne .. he is now sitting in our kitchen window!!!

Thank You Jeff and Nancy..
We MIGHT be able to handle that much liquor!!!

Thank You Paul and Jane ..
This is going to the wedding with us!!  

Thank You Don and Bev ..
Can't wait to stretch out on the beach and have one of those fancy Pineapple drinks in these!!  

 Thank You Rich and Pat..
I'm happy to say the pregnancy test came up NEGATIVE .. but we're sure enjoying those Hershey Kisses and Cashews!!!  


Thank You Judy .. 
The bucket will come in handy when we get to the beach .. and the candy will be long gone before we ever get there!!!  

Thank You Jerry and Nancy  .. 
Looks like everybody knows we are sweets freaks .. LOL!!    

Thank You Carl and Sylvia .. 
We probably couldn't make it through the honeymoon without this Honeymoon Kit!!! 

Thank You Gary and Ann Marie  .. 
If we ever get lost we just have to follow that arrow to our front door .. LOL!!  

I don't know who's gift this was .. but whoever it was .. Thank You!!!

 A BIG Thank You to a wonderful bunch of friends for a terrifically fun surprise party!!!  Little did I know when I first met Ken and when we went out on our first date that I was not only getting a truly wonderful man in my life but I would also inherit a whole bunch of wonderful friends!!! 


  1. Indeed you do have a wonderful bunch of friends. Life sure takes some interesting turns. Just think no long ago you didn't know Ken and all these people existed and now here you are haveing the timeof your life. God is good.

  2. Hi Liz and Ken !!! Wonderful pics and so much fun !!! I am so happy for you both !!! Love and Hugs to you!!

  3. Thanks for blogging Liz. I love to see Ken smile. You all look like you're having a great time.

  4. Thanks for blogging Liz. I love to see Ken smile. You all look like you're having a great time.

  5. Congratulations Uncle Ken and Liz!!

    Mazel tov to you both. I wish you many happy years together. You both look so happy!! Congratulations. Hugs,
    Mary B. Carter


FEEL FREE TO MAKE COMMENTS .. I love to read them and reply. Comments make you realize someone is actually looking at your blog .. LOL!!


About Me

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Blogging is one of my favorite things to do .. in fact .. I have FOUR blogs .. LOL!! "MY BIT OF MORNING BLATHER" .. is just that .. a bunch of blather!! My way of keeping up with friends and family. "BERTHA'S BED AND BREAKFAST" .. this is an ongoing project about my ancestry. RAGGEDY ANNIE'S GRANNY .. is about fun things Ken and I have done and travels we have made!!! KEN AND LIZ'S BIG ADVENTURE .. is about our latest adventure .. selling our home and buying another home!! If you want to check any of them out let me know and I will send you a link!!