You were not allowed to take pictures using the flash on your camera .. I did the best I could!!!
Yesteryears version of a food warmer .. you put your plates of food on the shelves inside .. close the door .. and the heat from the fireplace keeps your food warm!!!! First one of these I have ever seen!!!
Love that Coffee grinder .. their were a lot of things in this house I love!!!
The cape draped on the chair with the top hat and cane made me smile .. looks like Mr. Shaw was getting ready for a night out .. LOL!!! I would love to have an actual vintage top hat to set somewhere!!! Of course it would be neat to have the long black cape and cane too .. LOL!!!
The glass walls in front of everything made picture taking difficult but I can understand the need for it!!
I thought this picture must be of Mrs. Shaw but our guide said Mr. Shaw had never been married .. this was his sister and this room had been put together for her.
This is a water fall type fountain .. water is running down over the yellow part of the triangle area!!
The name of the fountain!!
Feeding the Koi .. you could get a hand full of feed from a machine for 25 cents!!!
Dueling cameras .. Kathy taking a picture of me while I was taking a picture of her .. LOL!!!
George Washington Carver
We were afraid to stick our heads clear into the holes for fear they would get stuck .. LOL!!!
We saw these signs about not feeding the Foxes .. but never saw any Foxes!!!
Time to check the old pedometer .. at this point we have walked almost 5 miles!!!! We had walked 1 mile at the South County Mall at the beginning of the day .. so only 3.90 miles were walked at the Botanical Gardens!!
Next stop .. Schlafly Bottleworks for a delicious Burger and a look at their collection of Beer advertisements / crates / and bottles!!
This is actually the brewery that makes and bottles Schlafly Beer .. and when you walk in the door .. it smells like a brewery!!! If you're there at the right time on the right days you can take a tour but this was not the right time or the right day!!!
There was a Farmer's Market going on outside the Bottleworks .. you could find just about anything you could possibly need from a garden ..
There was even a Truck Farm ..
This is definitely something I've never seen before .. LOL!!!
In talking to the gentleman and lady who had brought the Truck Farm in they drive this to schools and other places and give talks about gardening and creating a truck farm!!!
And of course .. there was also .. a birthday cake!!!!
Last stop of the day before heading for the hills of Hillsboro ..
We couldn't show Kathy all the important sights of St. Louis without taking her to Ted Drewe's for Ice Cream .. frozen Custard actually!!!!
And yes .. Ted Drewe's has it's own 250 years birthday cake!!!!
We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day for walking around the gardens .. there was a wonderful breeze all day long keeping it from being too hot .. an absolutely gorgeous day for what we were doing!!! Thank You Lord!! But now .. the skies are darkening .. it's time to head home!!
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