This blog will be all about FUN Times .. Granny's have fun times too you know .. especially Raggedy Annie's Granny .. she's always having a good time!!


Blog Archive

Friday, February 26, 2016



Good Morning ..  It's another bright sunny day here at Myrtle Beach ...

We  finally saw a boat out on the water this morning!!! 

We've been here almost a month and that's the first boat we have seen out there!!! 

We were beginning to think it was going to run right up on the beach .. but it finally turned around and headed back out in that big big ocean!!!

This morning's temps Myrtle Beach 46 .. Port St. Lucie  63 .. Festus  34 .. Palestine  34 .. Casey  32 .. Buffalo gets the prize for the coldest temp .. 21 .. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! 

 And now a few pics from last night's adventure .. before going to the Alabama Theater we went to the Golden Corral  and stuffed ourselves for dinner .. LOL!!!  And then off to the thetater ..

That's George and Vivian waaaaayyyyy up there on the steps of the theater!!  And then  Jerry and Edna .. and then Ken .. and Liz lagging behind to get pictures .. LOL!!!

We had terrific seats .. about 8 rows back from the stage in the center of the row ..   funny thing ..  when the guys got the tickets  .. the floor seats were $20.00 higher so they got balcony seats!!!  However, when we got a great surprise  .. they didn't have a very large audience  so  everybody got seats on the floor .. lucky night!!!! 

Sad to say no picture taking was allowed during the show so this is it!!!  We all loved it .. very good show .. music, singing and dancing from down through the years and the comedian stage hand Ricky Mogel was soooooo funny!!!  I tried to find a video of the show on You Tube to post  but found only one that was in 2012 and it was only 30 seconds long .. whoever was taping  it must have got caught .. LOL!!!  

However, if you click on the link below it will take you to a web page that has a slide show of pictures that are from the 2016 show .. same  sights I would have been taking pictures of .. there is a also a video clip ..  

Last night's moon on the Atlantic!!!

We're sitting here with the sliders open watching and listening to the waves rolling in .. I'm thinking we'll be take a walk down there on the beach pretty shortly!!! 

You're not going to believe what we're doing tonight ..   George & Vivian and Ken & I are having dinner at a place called "The Grumpy Monk" and then going to Conway, South Carolina to a theater to see a live play .. titled "Urinetown" ..  Yeah .. LOL!!!! 

2:40 pm ..   We finally got our behinds moving and took that walk on the beach .. as we were walking  along the edge of the water we were talking about how much we would miss  seeing and hearing the ocean!!  Wondering if this would be our last walk on the beach for this season .. so of course I took a video!!

 Chuckling ..  I had just  clicked the button to stop taping and Ken  pointed forward and said "Look .. I think that's George and Vivian coming this way" .. so I hit the button and started taping again .. LOL!!!

After visiting with George, Vivian and Bill a short while we headed on up the beach and they headed the other direction down the beach to  get across to Sea Mark Towers.   While walking on the beach you can cut through at the various hotels and end up on Ocean Boulevard and then go  down the sidewalks to River City Café .. Ken loves that place and wanted to go there one more time for one of their big juicy Burgers for lunch  .. so off we went!!!  

Don't ask me why because I don't know why .. but I  love that little red chair!!!  

Ken said he used to smoke Chesterfield Cigarettes so of course I had to snap a pic of  the Chesterfield sign and that very very old Cigarette machine!!!  Ken said he could remember putting 25 cents into the Cigarette machines back "in the day"!!! 

How about that Burger????? 

 Bellies full of Burger and Sodas we took off up the street  to the Caravelle office to get some info .. looking across the street I noticed  the brown windows  that cover the indoor swimming pool / hot tub area of our hotel!!!

Yep .. sure enough .. that's the pool room!!! 

We're back in our room now and packing up  so we'll be ready to go Sunday morning!!! 

It will soon be time to get spruced up for tonight's fun at "Urinetown"  .. in the meantime we want to get all this stuff loaded in the car .. so I'm outta here!!!  Have a GREAT day!!  


  1. Hi Liz and Ken !! What a Beautiful place to watch the show last night ! The full moon over the ocean was Beautiful ! (and of course,Delicious food) --Glad you have great weather today and saw a boat on the Atlantic ! Enjoy eating at"The Grumpy Monk" and a strange title for a live play (Urinetown) --Enjoy !!

  2. From the name of the play we weren't sure we wanted to go see it but some of the people we visit with at the various get-togethers at the Santa Maria have seen it and said it was hilarious so we decided we'd check it out!!! Not sure about "The Grumpy Monk" either but it certainly has a unique name .. worth seeing what it's all about .. LOL!!!

  3. I enjoyed your new pics !! That is a Wonderful pic of the two of you !! (But Ken, no meat on Friday !!) --- Those are huge hamburger !! They look yummy ! I thought Ken was Catholic. Maybe, I am wrong. I just assumed he was when he went to the Catholic Church . I enjoyed the Videos too !

  4. Confusing I know .. Ken was raised in the Catholic religion and went to Catholic schools but he doesn't follow all the Catholic practices any more.


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About Me

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Blogging is one of my favorite things to do .. in fact .. I have FOUR blogs .. LOL!! "MY BIT OF MORNING BLATHER" .. is just that .. a bunch of blather!! My way of keeping up with friends and family. "BERTHA'S BED AND BREAKFAST" .. this is an ongoing project about my ancestry. RAGGEDY ANNIE'S GRANNY .. is about fun things Ken and I have done and travels we have made!!! KEN AND LIZ'S BIG ADVENTURE .. is about our latest adventure .. selling our home and buying another home!! If you want to check any of them out let me know and I will send you a link!!