This blog will be all about FUN Times .. Granny's have fun times too you know .. especially Raggedy Annie's Granny .. she's always having a good time!!


Thursday, June 9, 2016


Our last day in Kansas City!!!    After a hot Breakfast in the hospitality room at the hotel we loaded everything in the car ..  and then relaxed a bit! with a second cup of Coffee in our room!!  All the places we were planning to go to didn't open until 10:00 so I thought I would have plenty of time to work on the story of Day Two  and get it finished up before getting out and enjoying our last day!!!    So much for thinking .. I couldn't get internet access!!!  Called down to the front desk and she said they had no internet in a 2 block radius .. someone somewhere was working on it .. and they would call the room when they had hook-up.   Needless to say when we left the room for our day's fun I still had no connection!! 

Sooooo .. here it is the next day .. we are at home .. and I still don't have this thing finished!!!  I just finished posting the pics from Day Three .. you are welcome to check them out!!  I will try very hard to get time tomorrow to focus and get the stories of both days posted.  I promise I will try .. can't promise that I will get it done .. but I will TRY .. LOL!!!

I can at least take time to tell you a little bit so you know what that strange looking tower in this first picture is ..   first on our agenda for the day was the National World War I Museum ..

Notice the amount on this check .. you may have to click on it to make it bigger to be able to see it .. 57 cents!!!  And read what this check is for below .. I found the amount unbelievable!!! 

I didn't take a lot of pictures at the museum but if found some great videos on You Tube ..

Ken got a kick out of this floor mat we found in the gift shop of the museum .. LOL!!!

You are supposed to be able to go up in this tower  and see the view but the elevator is being worked on and people are not being allowed to go up at this time.  However, we were given "Rain Checks" so that we can go back when the tower is once again open!!!  By the way .. there are 45 steps to get to the top!!! 

The view of Kansas City from the base of the tower ..

How about a video of that view ..

Stones in memory of those who  have served our nation .. not only in World War I but also in the other wars ..

We spent 3 hours in the museum .. a must see if you ever go to Kansas City!!!  Our next stop ..

THREE floors of Antiques and Collectables!!!   

Oh My .. there was a lot to see here too!!!  Lots of walking .. lots of looking .. the most unique item we came across was the poor stuffed Squirrel below ..  seeing how much I enjoy watching the Squirrels here at Sawyers Ridge play around in our back yard I found it a bit sad to see this little guy stuffed and all alone on top of  that old cabinet in an Antique Shop!!! 

At the price they're asking for him I think he may stay on top of that cabinet for a long long time!!! 

Our touring is done .. it's getting late .. and time to head for Festus, Missouri and Sawyers Ridge!!! 

Remember the EMMA sign I took a picture of on the way to Kansas City???  Here is another one ..  we decided we would go into downtown Emma and get some pics for Jane to enjoy .. also for the rest of the Bread Company Bunch so they can see this delightful little town where Jane spent  her childhood years!!!

 I wish I had gotten a better picture of the cemetary we saw as we were driving in .. Jane has family buried at Emma but I'm not sure if they are in this cemetary.

Below is a church on the outside of town .. almost missed it I guess!!!

And another church ..

A little bit of countryside before getting to the town ..

I like this old church .. tried to get a better picture on the way out of town but it came out blurred!!!

And here we are .. downtown Emma ..

The building across the street is the City Hall of Emma ..

We almost stopped to go into Emma's General Store .. as sign on the window said Antiques .. but there was a big Antique Store in Columbia we wanted to have time for and it closed at 6:00 and time was passing all too quickly!!!

I took pictures of a couple of other older houses but I guess we were going too fast at that time because I didn't get good pics!!!  But at least I got one!!!  I wished I had known where the house Jane grew up in was located .. never even entered my mind to ask her!!! 

A little more of the countryside around quaint little Emma ..

Sad to say we didn't make it to Columbia in time to go to the Midwest Market Antique Store .. maybe next time .. LOL!! 

We eventually went through Union and Washington, Missouri .. Gini and Mike's daughter and family live in Union and Michelle and her daughter both work  at a very neat resale shop in Washington named "The Shop Around The Corner"!!  We stopped and had our Supper at KFC in Washington and then moved on. 

And now we're a lot further down the road  toward home .. the sun is setting and the clouds are turning pink ..

And there is just a  sliver of a fingernail of a moon up there in the sky ..

I'm not sure what the gray column was in this picture but I got a  snap of it .. I was aiming to get the moon and never even noticed the gray until I looked at the pictures later .. LOL!!!

See that sign .. SAWYERS RIDGE ..


We didn't make it home until about 9:00 .. we were tired and draggin'!!!  But it was worth it .. so  much to see in Kansas City!!! I regret that we didn't get toArthur Bryant's BBQ .. Ken's other favorite spot .. and we missed a lot of Antique Shops because the biggest part of them were only open on the weekends .. but loved the museums and everything that we did see!! 

OMG .. LOL LOL LOL!!!  What a way to end my story .. LOL!!!   I put a pan of eggs on to boil before I sat down here to peck away at my adventure story .. one thing I like about having my desk and laptop here is because it is right by the kitchen and I can keep an eye on what I'm cooking .. Yeah .. Sure .. if I don't become too absorbed in what I'm doing!!!  Yep .. you guessed it .. I was pecking away on the paragraph above and I heard a loud POP .. and then another loud POP .. I hollered across the room to Ken and said "did you hear that pop .. you got any idea what it was"?  Then about that time it hit me .. OMG the boiled eggs!!!  So much for keeping my eye on what's cooking .. LOL LOL LOL!!!

What a way to end our Adventure story .. LOL LOL LOL!!! 


  1. Hi Liz and Ken ! Enjoyed your pics ! You had great weather for your trip. Did you get home tonight? The moon looked like the moon that I saw at the ballgames tonight !! Welcome Home !

  2. Hi Kathy .. we got home Wednesday night around 9:00. The moon actually looked more like a fingernail clipping but the camera made it look a little more rounded than it actually was!!! Yes .. we had lots of sunshine and no rain .. it was beautiful weather and we got home before the 90 degree days hit!!! It's Friday morning and I'm getting ready to finish these pages up .. Yaaaayyyyyy!!!!

  3. Hi Liz and Ken !! I enjoyed all of your trip !! Great pics !! I especially liked the video of Kansas City, Missouri. I always wondered what it would look like -- I told Emma you were going to go to a town named EMMA !!! ---That is funny about your eggs !! It is a good thing you were sitting close by and heard them crack !!

    1. You'll have to show Emma the pictures of Emma!!! If you knew Jane .. the one who grew up there .. you would love her .. she is such a very nice woman!!! Laughing about the boiled eggs .. Gini said she did that once but she had gone outside and didn't discover the eggs until they had all exploded and they had egg and eggshell all over the kitchen .. even up on the ceiling and on the cabinets .. had to clean and scrape and repaint the walls and ceiling!!! At least I caught these before it got that bad!! The pop was so loud it sounded like a gun going going off .. LOL!!! Glad you enjoyed the trip!!!


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About Me

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Blogging is one of my favorite things to do .. in fact .. I have FOUR blogs .. LOL!! "MY BIT OF MORNING BLATHER" .. is just that .. a bunch of blather!! My way of keeping up with friends and family. "BERTHA'S BED AND BREAKFAST" .. this is an ongoing project about my ancestry. RAGGEDY ANNIE'S GRANNY .. is about fun things Ken and I have done and travels we have made!!! KEN AND LIZ'S BIG ADVENTURE .. is about our latest adventure .. selling our home and buying another home!! If you want to check any of them out let me know and I will send you a link!!