As you can see in the picture .. everybody was very engrossed ..
Sitting on the tall stool .. Kenny .. at the table .. Edna, Vivian and Ann at the end of the table. On the couch .. Ken and George .. Jerry on a chair beside the couch .. and I didn't think I was going to be in this picture but if you look real hard you can see me taking the picture reflected in the glass of the sliding door to the balcony .. LOL!!! Kenny and Ann live in Myrtle Beach!! Ann did a lot of cheering for the Falcons .. Jerry through in a cheer every once in a while for the Patriots just to stir things up .. he was really for the Falcons!! It seems just about everybody was for the Falcons .. except Edna who was not for either team .. and me .. Gary (Bread Company Bunch) is a diehard Patriots fan so I was secretly and somewhat quietly rooting for them .. at 28 to 12 I sure didn't think they had a chance and then BOOM .. they Patriots kicked in gear and got the win!!! I can only imagine the excitement at Gary and Anne Marie's house!!!
We had Pizza Hut Pizza and Bread Sticks and Cinnamon Bread Sticks .. Edna had made some Quiche Tarts .. Ann brought some Shrimp .. Vivian brought a huge Hawaiian type Salad .. and Liz brought that delicious looking Cherry Red Velvet Cake. And of course Chips and Dip and Wine and Beer and other goodies I'm sure I forgot to mention!!!! It was fun evening with friends once again!!!
Funny ... Ken had to make a rush trip to Food Lion this morning ... we're having a Covered Dish get-together at the Santa Maria tonight and I am taking Baked Beans. We discovered shortly after we got settled in that the only can opener in the place was one of those pointy things that you open Milnot cans with .. so a crank type can opener was one of the purchases we made at Dollar Tree yesterday. Ahem .. I was getting ready to make my Baked Beans and the blankety blank thing would not crank on the Bush's Bean can .. Ken couldn't even crank it .. so off he went to Food Lion to buy the $7.50 one he came across when we were there yesterday but I said "we can buy one at Dollar Tree for a dollar" .. me and my big mouth!!!! Anyway .. the Beans are now in the oven and smelling mighty good!! When they are done we will be walking over to the Sea Mark to Jerry & Edna's and we're going to do some running around this afternoon. Soooooooo ... see ya' later .. have a GREAT day!!!
Our afternoon adventure with Jerry and Edna .. BAREFOOT LANDING ..
Look what we found in the very first store we went into .. A PENNY MACHINE!!!
Free samples of Pralines in this store .. how can you turn that down????
AND another penny machine!!!
How much are the Pralines??? $20.95 a pound .. YIKES!!! Ken and Jerry each bought ONE .. $3.95 each .. believe it or not Edna and I both thought they were toooooo sweet!!!
The Christmas Mouse House ..
Lots of stores .. a lot to see .. and we had a beautiful day to see it in!!!
After our tour of Barefoot Landing .. Dunkin' Donuts for a cup of coffee and a Donut for Lunch!! And then we headed back to our home base .. we had a carry-in to go to at 5:00 and it was already 3:00 .. time flies when you're having fun!!!
It was such a beautiful day Ken and I decided to take a walk along the beach before getting ready to go to the carry-in .. I even managed to take a video and I think I did it right this time .. click on the link below .. click on the button on the right at the bottom of the screen to make it bigger ..
Hi Liz and Ken ! Wonderful pics ! It looks like you had a great Super Bowl Party with lots of goodies. I was for the Atlanta Falcons ! I like the pic you put on from Facebook. ===What a Great time you are having !! Ken looks rested and happy now ! That was a lot of miles to drive. --- Enjoy !!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kathy!!! I have now finished the work in progress and have posted a different video .. posted the wrong one yesterday evening .. LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteLiz, Your Video was great ! It was almost like being there ! I Love the Beach and the Ocean ! It was good to hear your voice too and pics of Ken !
ReplyDeleteThanks Kathy .. I was just glad to finally get the video right .. LOL!!!