This blog will be all about FUN Times .. Granny's have fun times too you know .. especially Raggedy Annie's Granny .. she's always having a good time!!


Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Thursday, September 10 .. We're up and going bright and early .. we've had our Breakfast in the Hospitality Room .. packed our belongings in the car and we're off at 8:09 AM!!! 

Today we are off of the busy main highways and traveling through the scenic countryside .. State Road 19 onto State Road 14 ..

These barns were between Waunakee and Mazonamie, Wisconsin. 

Mile after mile of farms .. old barns and out buildings .. lots of cows .. corn fields .. hay fields .. soybean fields ..  Great scenery!!! 

Came across a neat little rest area along the way ..  

Over to the left there are a couple of picnic tables and a BBQ pit!!

It's looking like we are back in Missouri .. hills and curves .. LOL!!! 

Just a few drops of rain!!!

Spring Green, Wisconsin


9:31 am .. ALMOST THERE!!!!!

 Before we get to The House On The Rocks perhaps you would like to learn a little bit about it???  If so click on the links below and then take a walk through with Ken and I!!!  

Once we turned down the road to The House On The Rocks .. we saw many of these giant pots full of flower pots and Gargoyles lining the drive!!!  Hmmmm .. I think maybe I should have rolled the legs of my capris up another roll or two .. LOL!!!



Dolls on the walls leading to the Women's bathroom ..

And IN the bathroom ..

This house has 13 rooms .. built on one at a time over the years.   To get to the first room of the house you walk from the entry area down this wooden bridgeway ..

Some of the rooms connect with each other .. some you go back outside to the wooden walkway to get to the next one ..

The Infinity Room .. this thing sticks waaaayyyyyy out over what I guess you would call a gorge .. or a valley .. Ken said when he was here last time they let you walk clear out to the point and people would jump up and down and make the whole thing move!!  My guess is that's why you can no longer walk out to the point .. what do you think????  LOL!!

This poor lady was petrified of walking any further out than she was .. said sh was already woozy!!  Her friend had walked on to the area where you can't get any further and was trying to get her to to come that far so she could take her picture.  She was trying to zoom her camera in to get the picture .. I stopped to help her and Kenny got a picture .. LOL!! Her friend never got her talked into going any further .. she stayed right where she was!!! 
From the Infinity Room .. to the Library ..

Pretty dark in here .. it was actually fairly  dark in most of the rooms .. making it difficult to get good pictures!!! 

This case covers one wall of another  of the Womens bathrooms ..

This is .. I think ..  my favorite of all the rooms!!  Titled "The Streets of Yesterday" or something like that .. you're inside a building but you have a feeling of walking down a street many many years ago!!! 

The pictures don't begin to show how neat this is!!!

Click on the link below to see and hear this animated group of musicians!!

And the path leads us to a room full of ships ...

Two stories of window after window filled with ships and shipping memorabilia ..

And a giant Whale in the center of the displays ..

The Titanic .. 

Seagulls hanging from the ceiling ..

The Queen Mary .. 

The Queen Elizabeth ..

Kenny and the Whale again .. LOL!!!  

Titanic again .. 

A room filled with methods of transportation ..

Remember the old Burma Shave signs you used to see along the highways when you were traveling?????  How about these ..

We stood there and chuckled as we read all these .. LOL!!!

Aaaahhhhhh .. an old time diner .. time for a slice of Pizza to share .. a couple of Cookies ..  a couple of glasses of Pepsi  .. and a much-needed sit-down ..

If you were smart you followed the CONTINUE signs to get from room to room .. if you didn't it was kind of like being in a maze .. ask Kenny .. LOL!!! 

Look what else we found in this nifty little diner .. a penny smashing machine ..

And then .. ANOTHER penny machine!!! 


And then to the Music Room .. unbelievable animation and sound and beauty!!! 

Along some of the walls as you're walking from room to room there were many things in frames .. lots of old old newspapers with important news posted on the front page ..


And another penny machine!!!!


One of the three carousels ..  

And back outside again .. to see a very large part of the rock ..

And then back inside to see the dollhouses ..

There are many many more dollhouses than I got pictures of .. couldn't possibly get pictures of all of them!!!  Unbelievable!!!  This whole place is unbelievable!!!

There is a Circus room .. hundreds of miniature circuses!!!  AND  the elephants and dancing girls ..

Ken was impressed with the beautiful angels hanging from the ceiling .. they were lifesize and I found them a little creepy!!!  All in your perception I guess .. LOL!!

We made it through all three areas of the house .. spent a little over 4 hours walking and looking and walking and looking and oooohhhhhhing and aaaahhhhhhing!!!  If you go there be sure you have plenty of time .. you won't want to miss any of it!!! 

A very nice couple came along and offered to take a picture of us together .. of course we said "sure" ..

And then we took a picture of them!!!!


And once we got outside the gates we took pictures of each other again .. LOL!!!

That's the Infinity Room sticking out into space ..

Click on the link below to see lots and lots and lots of pictures of the House On The Rock!!

Heading for Galena, Illinois

Looks a whole lot like Missouri!!!

Kenny saw a Culvers sign and decided he was badly in need of some Ice Cream!!! 

Can you tell I like old barns??????

Ah Oh .. Ken was not happy at this sight ..

But as soon as we got to a straightaway the farmer pulled over so we could pass!!!

We got to Galena a little before 4:00!! 


Time to find our hotel .. get settled in .. and give these tired bodies a rest!!!  We'll explore this little town tomorrow!!!
 Best Western Designer Inn and Suites .. our "home" for the night!!!


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About Me

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Blogging is one of my favorite things to do .. in fact .. I have FOUR blogs .. LOL!! "MY BIT OF MORNING BLATHER" .. is just that .. a bunch of blather!! My way of keeping up with friends and family. "BERTHA'S BED AND BREAKFAST" .. this is an ongoing project about my ancestry. RAGGEDY ANNIE'S GRANNY .. is about fun things Ken and I have done and travels we have made!!! KEN AND LIZ'S BIG ADVENTURE .. is about our latest adventure .. selling our home and buying another home!! If you want to check any of them out let me know and I will send you a link!!